WP 5 – Open science and ethics requirements


The objective of this WP is to ensure full implementation of Open data principles, and to ensure any ethical issues (including those pertaining to GDPR) are appropriately addressed. Secondary objective is to contribute to training in WP1.

Description of work

T5.1 Ethics issues.( Leader: Vinca, participants: all)

 This task aims to provide the necessary ethics deliverables (if identified), and to promote understanding of relevant ethics issues in the consortium. Apart from delivering mandatory deliverables, the task will be done through including ethics issues as an item in project meetings, addressing the general framework for ethics, the legal framework relevant to WeBaSOOP, and any issues that may be identified by the participants

T5.2 Data management plan and database development. (Leader: Vinca, participants: all)

In this task, we will form a Data Committee that will oversee data management plan ad database development. The Data Committee will consider Actris DMP and RI-URBANS requirements and will develop the mandatory DMPs for WeBaSOOP, and will oversee development of data structures of WeBaSOOP (including, e.g., metadata). In addition, the Data Committee will contribute to training in WP1.


Deliverable (number)Deliverable nameWork package numberShort name of lead participantTypeDissem. levelDelivery date (in months
D5.1Ethic requirement 1WP5VINCAETHICSSENM2
D5.2Ethic requirement 2WP5VINCAETHICSSENM3
D5.3Data management plan version 1WP5VINCADMPSENM6