WP3 – Outreach,  dissemination and communication


The aim of this task is to add value to ongoing and past research activities of the partners by developing and implementing scientific dissemination actions in the forms of publications (a minimum of six open-access scientific publications are planned), active conference participations in international conferences (at least 10 participations are envisaged), and outreach activities towards potential (non-scientific) users (to be co-created with stakeholders).

Description of work

In this WP, all dissemination and outreach activities will be executed, across stakeholder groups. The WP will receive information and results from the other WPs, and the timeline of the activities will be coordinated by the events coordinator in WP4 (T 4.5).

Task 3.1 Conference attendance (Lead: VINCA Participants: all)

Task 3.2 Scientific publication preparation (Lead: CSIC Participants: all)

Task 3.3 Virtual training /MOOC development (Leader: VINCA, partners: all)

Task 3.4 Dissemination and outreach activities towards potential (non-scientific) users (Lead: VINCA Participants: all)


Deliverable (number)Deliverable nameWork package numberShort name of lead participantTypeDissem. levelDelivery date (in months
D3.1Initial plan for WP3 activities.WP3VINCARSENM3
D3.2Year 2 updated plan for WP3.WP3VINCARSENM14
D3.3Year 3 updated plan WP3.WP3VINCARSENM26
D3.4Summary report of achievementsWP3VINCARSENM36